Monday, 14 April 2008
NUS Conference 2008 -> Bolt!

Thursday, 10 April 2008
NUS Conference 2008 -> #4 Society & Citizenship

NUS Conference 2008 -> #3 Welfare & Student Rights

The third motion Zone was that of Welfare & Student Rights. Again, I have listed some of the successul policy that was passed:-
1) We resolved to campaign for financial support for Mature Students and engage more with them on all levels.
2) We resolved to increase the support for Student Parents and campaign for creche facilities at every Union and College.
3) We resolved to lobby the government to reduce the restrictions on HMO licensing to prevent the creation of 'student ghettos.'
4) We mandated the NUS to work locally and nationally to raise the issue of family housing to Universities.
5) We mandated the NEC to engage with relevant government bodies and Unions to reduce the negative effects that external bar crawls can cause, such as Carnage UK Ltd (not to be confused with the bar crawl organised by Carnival, which is heavily risk-assessed and raises thousands of pounds for charity).
6) We resolved to launch support groups for eating disorders and promote Eating Disorders Awareness week.
7) We resolved to challenge racism on campus in all institutions.
The final motion Zone was Society & Citizenship...
NUS Conference 2008 -> #2 Strong & Active Unions
NUS Conference 2008 -> #1 Education

1) Access and Admissions - we voted to improve the HE admissions system so that is is fairer and more transparent to all applicants, particularly Part-Time, Post-Graduate and Mature students. This motion was co-submitted by us and has already been passed through Guild Council.
2) Education & Training at 18 - we voted to support the Governments' principle of raising the school leavning age to 18, however we mandated the NEC to ensure that this is met with appropriate support for learners and a National Minimum wage for apprenticeships. This motion is to be re-evaluated at Annual Conference 2009.
3) Nursing Students & Academic Failure - we voted to create an NUS Nursing Students' Campaign to address the widespread problems with Nursing.
4) Education Funding - the most important debate of the entire Conference! We passed policy to make the Governments' 2009 Education Funding Review the priority campaign for the NUS next year - fighting against lifting the cap and therefore the marketisation of education. Several ammendments were added to this motion, including mandating the NEC to campaign for home fees and bursaries for asylum seekers and oppose the tutition fee increases faced by International Students.
The next motion Zone was Strong & Active Unions...
Monday, 7 April 2008
NUS Conference 2008 -> Change Was Not Chosen

- We would have had a full-time Vice-President for Union Development and Society & Citizenship - replacing the age-old & expired positions of Treasurer & Secretary.
- Zone Conferences would have been created. Each Zone will focus on a different issue: Higher Education, Further Education, Welfare, Society & Citizenship and Union Development.
- These Zone Conferences would have been smaller and more informal. Students can debate in workshops, gather evidence and construct more careful motions to be submitted to Annual Conference.
- The Zones would therefore have been more accessible to new members, Unions can collaborate on policy and contentious issues can be resolved in debate before the motions even reached Conference.
- There would have been a separation of powers between the political decision-making NEC and the financial/legal decision-making of the Trustee Board.
- Lay members would have been present on the Trsutee Board to provide experience and knowledge of diverse areas of charity and business.
- The new structure would have had a full-time International Students' Officer, part-time roles for Mature & Part-time Students and a taskgroup dedicated to ARAF work.
- NUS Conference would have been reduced from three days to just one.
- The Trustee Board is comprised of 42% external lay members.
- Decisions at each Zone Conference would be judged by a small group of people called the Zone Committee, which the opposers feel is unaccountable.
- They also felt strongly that delegates should be elected by cross-campus ballot, even in small FE colleges.
- Finally, they opposed their being no liberation representation on the Trustee Board.
A lot of us would have moved on by then - but delegates of 2009... Choose Change!