Wednesday, 28 May 2008

101 Things The Exec Have Done For You!

This pamphlet was released at The Big Guild BBQ and is now floating around the Guild building. But I figured I should blog it as well.

It's been a busy year but we hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have!

1. The Exec launched a Night Bus to get you home safely.
2. The Exec wrote blogs so you will always be aware of their activity.
3. The Exec hired The Hoosiers to perform at your Grad Ball.
4. The Exec made your Guild more environmentally-friendly and have won a Bronze Sound Impact Award.
5. The Exec improved your bars and won ‘Most Improved Bar’ at the NUS Services Awards.
6. The Exec worked with the Munrow Sports Centre to bring you pay-as-you-go facilities, such as the hiring of courts and pitches.
7. The Exec signed-off a Building Redevelopment of the Guild, which will start this Summer with Phase One: refurbishment of the Guild toilets!
8. The Exec brought you e-voting.
9. The Exec hosted their biggest ever Guild Awards to reward student activity.
10. The Exec led a Referendum which resulted in our highest ever voter turnout in fifteen years.

11. The Exec led a Governance Review which will change the Charitable Company Status of our Guild and bring us a new leaner, meaner, accessible Constitution.
12. The Exec are currently working on changing our bye-laws to work alongside this new Constitution.
13. The Exec fought the rise in hall fees.
14. The Exec introduced electronic voting cards in Guild Council.
15. The Exec organised the Vale Fireworks!
16. The Exec brought you Karl Kennedy… again!
17. The Exec launched ‘I Love Risa’ on Broad Street every Wednesday.
18. The Exec helped combat homophobia in halls, which won ‘Campaign of the Year’ at the LGBT Conference 2008.
19. The Exec hosted a Mental Health Week to raise
awareness of problems caused by poor mental health.
20. The Exec written a new representative forum for sport in the University.

21. The Exec reached more Satellite Sites than ever before.
22. The Exec recruited a new University Challenge Team, consisting of two Mature Students from the Shakespeare Institute.
23. The Exec have taken a Housing Roadshow to the Vale to help students find a home in Selly Oak.
24. The Exec hosted a Volunteering Fair to provide students’ with opportunities for helping the local community.
25. The Exec participated in SUEi (Student Union Evaluation Initiative) to help assess our Guild’s performance in a variety of areas.
26. The Exec hosted a free BBQ for every student who needs a break from their exams!
27. The Exec installed new plasma televisions in Joe’s Bar to provide greater coverage for sport.
28. The Exec found money to refurbish the Guild’s media suite, benefiting Redbrick, Burn, GTV and PhotoSoc.
29. The Exec lobbied the University to provide official accreditation for extra-curricular activity which will increase the employability of students for years to come.
30. The Exec fought to maintain the teaching standards of courses due to be closed on Selly Oak campus.

31. The Exec hosted the Guild’s first ever Post-Graduate and Mature Students Valentine’s Day Ball.
32. The Exec introduced a Suggestion Box on Reception to make feedback more efficient.
33. The Exec launched a re-brand of the entire Guild, with a new word mark and colour scheme.
34. The Exec brought you the Guild’s first ever Silent Disco.
35. The Exec protested the BNP when they were due to speak in Oxford.
36. The Exec will be bringing the Mermaid to Vale Festival!
37. The Exec now provides food for Guild Council!
38. The Exec hosted its first ever Well-Being Fair.
39. The Exec have launched a ‘Rate Your Landlord’ website.
40. The Exec bought eco-entrepreneur Andy Middleton to speak to students about environmental issues.

41. The Exec launched the ‘Drowning in Debt’ campaign to help battle the rise in tuition fees.
42. The Exec represented you at the NUS Extraordinary Conference and the NUS Annual Conference.
43. The Exec hosted the Premiership Cup to raise money for charity.
44. The Exec helped prepare Students’ Unions for the 2012 Olympics as part of the national scheme, Podium.
45. The Exec worked with Guild staff to prepare a new five-year strategic plan for the organisation.
46. The Exec re-discovered the trophy cabinet and have started filling it up!
47. The Exec helped write the University’s Mental Health Policy.
48. The Exec hosted a Job’s Fair to help students find employment.
49. The Exec hosted its first ever Change Your World Fair.
50. The Exec have lobbied the University to conduct a review of the Grad School to improve
Post-Graduate representation.

51. The Exec have lobbied the local council to stop charging council tax to students writing up their research projects.
52. The Exec secured funding for the Community Wardens for next year.
53. The Exec nominated themselves for seven NUS Awards.
54. The Exec maintained free-and-fair elections throughout the year.
55. The Exec visited other Union’s Councils to learn ways to improve our own.
56. The Exec hosted Aldywch and met with our Vice-Chancellor to discuss the future of higher
education funding.
57. The Exec have visited the Dentistry School frequently to improve their engagement with the Guild.
58. The Exec have been on Carnage to engage with students!
59. The Exec hosted a Housing Fair to help students find a home.
60. The Exec organised an Outreach Day to speak to local children about the activities of the Guild.

61. The Exec have fought the University to ensure students are getting value for money for their degrees.
62. The Exec have trained Student Reps to ensure they are representing and fighting for their
fellow students.
63. The Exec bought you 300 litres of free Innocent Smoothie in Welcome Week!
64. The Exec represents students on a regional and national sporting stage.
65. The Exec learnt about sport overseas in Saudi Arabia.
66. The Exec continue to accredit landlords and advise students on which landlords are a good choice.
67. The Exec took the RAs to the Shropshire Woods for training.
68. The Exec hosted a Black History Month on October.
69. The Exec hosted a Holocaust Memorial Day.
70. The Exec lobbied the University to increase their policy on how many hours a week a student can work from 16 to 20 hours per week.

71. The Exec launched BEAT – the eating disorder service provided for by the ARC.
72. The Exec have developed the Guild’s environmental policy.
73. The Exec have engaged with Home Students and filled the Council Chambers with Freshers Off Campus in Welcome Week.
74. The Exec purchased giant inflatable letters spelling VOTE to raise voter turnout!
75. The Exec have taken the Guild out to the students through various Mini-Guild consultation sessions.
76. The Exec hosted a Volunteering Ball to reward volunteers.
77. The Exec gave cakes and muffins to voters!
78. The Exec supported the Drama Student Reps in getting a catering facility on Selly Oak campus.
79. The Exec held a Student Rep Forum on the University College Restructure.
80. The Exec increased voter turnout for the RA elections.

81. The Exec marched across campus in the Go Green March.
82. The Exec assured the continuation and growth of community volunteering beyond the end of V-funding.
83. The Exec fought against a car parking scheme which was detrimental to students in the local
84. The Exec created policy on HMO licensing.
85. The Exec supported Physics students against funding cuts.
86. The Exec appeared on GMTV and BBC News whilst protesting for Abortion Rights down at the Houses of Parliament.
87. The Exec have fought for free prescriptions for all students.
87. The Exec have ensured that students in Private Halls remain represented and supported.
88. The Exec have door-knocked the Halls and Selly Oak two weeks running!
89. The Exec held a ceremony and presented certificates to accredited landlords.
90. The Exec obtained Student Rep details from more departments than ever before!

91. The Exec appeared in ‘Best Mates’ – a police campaign on how to stay safe on nights out.
92. The Exec appeared in Redbrick!
93. The Exec opposed the National Bursary Scheme.
94. The Exec have taken your issues to the NUS.
95. The Exec helped organise the International Housing Fair.
96. The Exec continue to fight poor student housing.
97. The Exec have been sponged for charity!
98. The Exec are currently working on bringing you a new website with Sudoku and Horoscopes!
99. The Exec have met Gordon Brown!
100. The Exec were elected onto the NUS’ International Students Committee.

101. The Exec have had a blast! Thank you for all of your support this year!

Thursday, 22 May 2008

NUS Regional - Warwick

The last NUS Regional of the Academic Year occured last Tuesday (13th May) at Warwick Students' Union (pictured left). I'm a delegate for our Guild so I hopped on a train with Naush, Laura and Stu Brown and headed out for a day of democratic splendour.

The Regional was more interesting than usual. We discussed the two very predictable but major areas: NUS Governance and the Education Funding Campaign.

1) NUS Governance - incase you didn't know, here is the history on this issue. The NUS have been trying to undergo a Governance Review this past year - the same as we have been doing through the Referendum and now our current bye-law overhaul.

Unfortunately, the Governance Review failed at Annual Conference (by just twenty-six votes!) on April 1st and now the NUS are stuck with their rubbish, ineffective old structures for another long year. So the NUS are looking at how they can better-explain and adapt their Review so that it doesn't fail a second time.

The NUS have been quite good and have gathered feedback from Conference, so at least they don't have to go back to the drawing board on this one. As President-Elect Wes Streeting said: "We don't have to throw the baby out of the bathwater."

Here is a list of criticisms the original Governance Review has received:-
  • Some thought that the new model restricted NUS' campaign works.
  • Others didn't like the idea of reducing the length of Conference to make it more efficient.
  • People argued that the Trustee Board was not diverse enough because it lacked Liberation Officers.
  • Some thought that the NUS asked students to approve too much in one go.
  • Others simply didn't understand it or read the papers!
  • People disagreed with certain new names, like Congress and Senate.
  • And the list goes on and on!
However, I'm confident that the NUS can meet all of these concerns with rational and reasoned arguments. But if their stubborn opponents don't feel like listening, then the Review will fall again and again.

As for the way forward, it looks like there will be another Extraordinary Conference next year to discuss the Review. And because a Review of this magnitude requires the approval of two Conferences then rumour has it then there may even be a second Extraordinary Conference before Christmas. Manic!

2) Education Funding Campaign - this is the other Big One for the NUS next year. The 2009 review of top-up fee is almost upon us which will see Parliament review their decision to cap tuition fees at £3000 a year. If this review goes in favour of most Vice-Chancellors, then the cap will be lifted indefinately! This will mean that Universities can charge as much as they like for tutition fees (£5k, £10k, £15k) and consequently lead to the marketisation of Universities. This is real bad news for students.

The NUS are beginning this campaign by firstly lobbying the government and getting some answers from Bill Rammel. Wes and Bill are having discussions in Nottingham and London on the 2nd and 3rd June respectively which students can attend.
Anyone excited about a National Demo can hold their horses for now, however. If the Demo happens, it will not be in the near future and students will have to wait until the end of 2009 if at all. Until then, this is a reasoned campaign about lobbying and debate.

Overall, this was an incredibly informative Regional.
And Warwick's Union have an awesome Smoothie Bar! Bonus!

The Big Free Guild Revision-Break Summer BBQ!

"They come, they eat, they leave." - Flik, A Bug's Life, 1998.
Today, the Guild hosted its first ever summer BBQ. We ingeniously titled this as The Big Free Guild Revision-Break Summer BBQ!
And to be honest, I was amazed by how rammed Mermaid Square was. It was as busy as Fab N Fresh, only it was during the day. And the queue at half 11 was almost as big as the Grad Ball! I guess it just goes to show, free food is truly the way to win over our students :)
There were a variety of ideas behind the BBQ.
Firstly, we wanted to give students something simple that they would appreciate. And free food certainly ticks that box!
Secondly, we know students are stressed with their revision. We were there ourselves last year! Therefore, we hoped a bit of free food and sun would help alleviate a bit of stress and ensure students' mental health is being looked after.
Also, the BBQ was a great opportunity to catch a captive audience of students. Therefore, we did a little bit of flyering telling students about our new bye-laws and giving out the infamous '101 Things the Exec Have Done For You This Year' pamphlet.
We also used this opportunity to grab some feedback and asked students to fill out feedback cards for our box.
On a different note, I'm quite impressed that we sold out of food in 45 minutes. Whispers of a free meal certainly got round quickly considering we only put up two posters and started a Facebook Event! But we'll stock up a bit more next time, I promise.
Overall - good grub and good to see you. Now get back to the library!

SUEi Update

Early this morning, we finally sent off all of our compiled evidence and self-assessed statements for our participation in the SUEi assessment scheme (SUEi stands for Student Union Evaluation Initiative).

We have been working on these evidence folders and statements for all of Semester Two and it is a huge relief to finally have them on a USB Stick and in the post.

Meanwhile, we are preparing for the grand season finale! The last step of the SUEi assessment will take the form of an Audit Day on the 9th of June, with a series of interviews consulting staff, student-staff, the University, the Sabbs and non-involved students.

As ever, I'll keep you posted on our progress.

We should hopefully find out our final score (which could either be Working Towards, Blue, Silver or Gold) before the end of the year.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

The New Guild Bye-Laws

What's all this bye-law business about?

The Guild is working on changing its bye-laws. But first...

A Bit of History!

In February 2008 the students at the University of Birmingham Guild of Students voted to approve a new Constitution - the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Over 4,000 students voted online and the new Constitution was approved with 93% of the vote.

This change arose from a review of how the Guild is run, how decisions are made and how our members can feed into and impact upon their Guild. The new Memorandum and Articles of Association will take affect on the 1st August 2008 when the Guild moves to become a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee.

So now we are onto the next phase of the review – changing the Bye-Laws of the Guild.

But what is a bye-law?

Bye-Laws are rules and regulations that govern how the Guild operates. They sit underneath the Memorandum and Articles of Association and explain in greater detail how the Guild should make decisions. The Mem and Arts explain the core functions and structures of the Guild, whilst the bye-laws each focus on a different subject: elections, discipline, the officers, membership, etc.

What is wrong with our current bye-laws?

The Guild currently has a lot of bye-laws that are contradictory, cumbersome, overly-complicated and inaccessible. They are also no longer relevant to the newly-approved Mem & Arts.

So where are you at with the new bye-laws?

After consultation with a number of members of the Guild over the Easter break (including Guild Councillors, the 2008/09 Executive Committee and Society Committees) the Guild has developed nine draft bye-laws. We propose that these will replace the current bye-laws on the 1st August 2008.

Where can I find these new bye-laws?

When will students be asked to approve these new bye-laws?

The final version of the bye-laws will be presented to Guild Council on the 16th June for final approval. On agreement by Guild Council, they will then be sent to University Council for approval in July.

How can I give my feedback?

If you wish to know more about this or provide some feedback you can do so by emailing

These FAQs were really useful. Thanks!

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Three is the Magic Number

It's Semester Three and the end is in sight. The elections are behind, the exams are ahead and the sun is shining & causing Tesco Express to run out of disposable BBQs.

But what is in store for the Guild? Students are in the library but what are us Sabbs up to? Well, quite a lot, as always!

Here's a quick snap-shot of the Third Semester:-

1) The new bye-laws are moving ever forward. They will be presented to Guild Council in May and then submitted as a motion to Guild Council in June. Woo!

2) The Guild is hosting a big, free, revision-break BBQ in May to thank students for their support this year. There will be burgers and sausages and exciting pamphlets about our new bye-laws and ketchup.

3) We are going on a massive recruitment campaign to ensure our Guild is fully-staffed once more, ensuring that we are fighting fit to represent you.

4) The NUS Awards are on the horizon and we are filling out application forms left, right and centre to ensure we shout about our successes and bring home a couple of trophies. Fingers-crossed!

5) The Sabbs are going to Vale Festival! This year, we'll be there with our very own unique stall so we can talk to students and learn about how we can make University better for you.

6) And we've also got handovers to plan for our lovely new Elects!

So it's busy times but exciting times. In the words of De La Soul, three is definately the magic number!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

It's Back -> New Mason!

Last Friday, a few of us were given an exclusive tour of New Mason over at the Vale. It is very much a work in progress but it all looks set to be finished in time for Welcome Week.

So what's it like? Well, it's fair to say we had mixed opinions on what is soon to be our largest and most expensive student hall.

Firstly, to reiterate: it is expensive. Living in New Mason will cost £114 a week. Imagine all the plush places you could live in Birmingham city centre for that amount of money. And that price is for self-catering - with food it will cost £150 a week to live in New Mason. I don't even want to think what the so-called luxury Studio apartments cost.

Secondly, the bedrooms are a little illogical. Each room has a sliding door that slides between the wardrobe and the en-suite bathroom. This means that you cannot cover your clothes and the toilet at the same time.

Thirdly, there is hardly any storage. The metal railing in the wardrobe is fitted width-ways, as opposed to length-ways. This means that the metal railing is ridiculously short and you could fit about five coathangers onto it.

And for some reason, there are TEN power sockets in each room. Surely, this encourages wasting of electricity.

That said, there are some good points about New Mason. It's new, for starters! Gone is the grime and decimated appearance of old Mason.

All of the rooms contain massive windows and are well-lit with natural light. Equally, these windows also offer a gorgeous view of the Vale, although I'm not sure this is high on most students' accommodation needs.
There is a sleek array of modern Ikea furniture and each bedroom is fitted with a bed slightly larger than a single. However, again, I'm sure students would settle for a single bed if it meant they had more storage space.
Overall, New Mason has its faults. But as we know, it's the people who make the Hall, not the furiture or storage space. Arugably, the only significant flaw is the cost. With tuition fees on the rise and student debt soaring into new heights, the last thing a student needs is overly-expensive Halls.

In short, Mason is back. Shame about the price-tag.