Thursday 10 April 2008

NUS Conference 2008 -> #2 Strong & Active Unions

"Sail on, O Union, strong and great!" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 'The Building of the Ship.'

Below is a list of some of the successful policy passed in the motion Zone for Strong & Active Unions:-

1) Sustainable Students' Unions - we resolved that the NUS needs to provide eladership in reducing carbon emissions as an organisation and create its own think-tank to improve the environmental practises of Students' Unions.

2) Recognising Extra Curricular Skills - we resolved that the NUS should lobby higher education sectors to push for a structured mechanism for accrediting extra-curricular activities.

3) Championing Our Movement & Employability - we asked the NUS to establish its luinks with third sctor charities and the MCVO in order to champion student trustees.

4) From Successful Games to Lasting Legacy: The 2012 Olympics - we mandated the NUS to lobby the Olympic Games (above) to consider the valuable contributions that all institutions can make to the Olympics and allocate funding in respective of this.

5) Student Voting - we mandated the NUS to work with the electoral commission to specifically target students to vote, as well as encourage Students' Unions to help make students aware of how & where to go & vote.

6) Medical Students - we resolved for the NUS to encourage medical students to become actively involved in their own Unions and aid medical students in their unique course troubles.

The next motion Zone was for Welfare & Student Rights...

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