Thursday 22 May 2008

The Big Free Guild Revision-Break Summer BBQ!

"They come, they eat, they leave." - Flik, A Bug's Life, 1998.
Today, the Guild hosted its first ever summer BBQ. We ingeniously titled this as The Big Free Guild Revision-Break Summer BBQ!
And to be honest, I was amazed by how rammed Mermaid Square was. It was as busy as Fab N Fresh, only it was during the day. And the queue at half 11 was almost as big as the Grad Ball! I guess it just goes to show, free food is truly the way to win over our students :)
There were a variety of ideas behind the BBQ.
Firstly, we wanted to give students something simple that they would appreciate. And free food certainly ticks that box!
Secondly, we know students are stressed with their revision. We were there ourselves last year! Therefore, we hoped a bit of free food and sun would help alleviate a bit of stress and ensure students' mental health is being looked after.
Also, the BBQ was a great opportunity to catch a captive audience of students. Therefore, we did a little bit of flyering telling students about our new bye-laws and giving out the infamous '101 Things the Exec Have Done For You This Year' pamphlet.
We also used this opportunity to grab some feedback and asked students to fill out feedback cards for our box.
On a different note, I'm quite impressed that we sold out of food in 45 minutes. Whispers of a free meal certainly got round quickly considering we only put up two posters and started a Facebook Event! But we'll stock up a bit more next time, I promise.
Overall - good grub and good to see you. Now get back to the library!

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