One of the highlights of the year took place on Tuesday 10th June --> Vale Festival!
Now in it's fourth year, Vale Festival has always taken place to bring students together through their passion for good music, the environmental and sustaining the earth. Vale Festival remains true to the mentality of reduce, re-use and recycle.
This year was no exception and the theme was orientated around providing clean drinking water for under-developed countries. The total amount of money raised therefore was split three ways between Water Aid, Pump Aid and Play Pumps International.
The average person in Africa uses just 5 litres of water a day. Yet look at how we waste even larger amounts of water:-
10 litres - used with every toilet flush.
19 litres - wasted every minute a tap is left running.
50 litres - used in a single dishwasher cycle.
90 litres - wasted by a dripping tap in a week.
95 litres - used in a single washing machine cycle.
Pretty shocking statistics!
Anyway, Vale Festival was as great as ever, with a wide variety of activites and music styles. The capoeira was particularly impressive but the Jungle Jam tent remains my firm favourite.
The Sabbs felt we should do something for Vale Festival this year, so we hired some big squashy bean bags and brought along Molly the Mermaid (made from chicken wire and re-used plastic bags)!
Overall verdict: H2-O yeah!
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