Have a great holiday everyone and good luck with all of your essay work!
Here's a few Christmas facts...
- Traditionally, German children are not allowed to see the Christmas tree until Christmas Eve.
- The rumour that Santa's red and white outfit was created by Coca-Cola is actually false. The red and white Santa was around in the 1920s, a whole decade before Coca-Cola advertising.
- In Russia, Santa Claus is called Dedushka Moroz, meaning Grandfather Frost.
- Boxing Day is so-called because the day after Christmas is also known as St Stephen's Day, when certain families go to Church and donate money in the collection boxes.
- Only six Christmas Number Ones in the past forty-seven years have had the word Christmas or Xmas in the title.
Feel free to plagiarise the above facts and bore your families over the holidays.
Let me end by saying, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! See you in the New Year!
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