We made a lot of progress with SUEi today.
(SUEi is the Student Union Evaluation Initiative, which I introduced yesterday. See my post yesterday for more details). 

All of the line managers, along with cameos from myself and Lizzy, were locked in a room where they scoured the organisation and their memories for evidence for each of the SUEi criteria. I'm relieved to say that the evidence folders were looking mighty full by 4pm today.
50% of the audit will assess the content of these evidence folders. The other 50% will be assessed through interviews. And it is here, dear reader, where you students can help us :)
We need 15 non-involved students to take part in a 45-minute interview, at some point in March. These non-involved students will be asked questions about the Guild's performance in various areas and will be paid for their involvement in the audit.
What do you mean by non-involved students? According to SUEi, a non-involved student must not be part of a Union Committee, Student Staff or have a Committee position in a society. However, if you are part of a society but do not have an official position then you can participate.
If you are interested in helping us achieve this accreditation, please e-mail "I am a Non-Involved Student!" to s.fairbanks@guild.bham.ac.uk.
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